Multi-cultural Week
June 13th-16th 2005

A Report
The Junior Infants called it 'multi-coloured' week and in their innocence got it right. What a colourful - and busy- few days it was, culminating in a celebration of many cultures in the gym at LYIT. Each class played its own part in the preparations for the celebration.
Junior Infants sampled food from Pakistan and looked at some traditional clothing from that country. They also made 'adinkra' cloth patterns from Ghana and African ceremonial masks. Senior infants made shortbread and had a visit from a real life Scottish piper in full uniform. They also looked at Van Gogh's paintings and were taught the colours in Dutch. First Class learned about African animals and sampled food from Africa. They also looked at the national costume of Nigeria and learned a Nigerian song. Second class enjoyed Pakistani music, story and song, tasted Pakistani food, drew Islamic stars and studied 'mehndi' hand designs. They learned about the colonial history we in Ireland share with Pakistan and Sudan, and they also enjoyed African food, tie-dyed African t-shirts, printed bags, practised arabic writing and made their own amazing drums.
In Third Class they heard about life in England, enjoyed queen cakes and practised Cockney rhyming slang. They also made Stars of David and sampled bread from Israel. Fourth Class were visited by a parent from Canada and a parent from France. They also baked and sampled 'banic' bread.
Fifth Class enjoyed hospitality, Finnish style, with apple pie, rye bread and liquorice. They also listened to Erasmus and watched 'The Moonins'. They studied Aborigine culture, made boomerangs and shields and looked at a real didgeridoo. Sixth class made Zimbabwean tribal masks, and Russian firebirds with feathers and glitter. They also sampled food from Russia and Poland.
So, as you can see, it WAS busy .. and noisy…and messy.. and tasty… but most of all ..MULTI-COLOURED!
Junior Infants' Fun
African Masks
Junior Infants
 African Ceremonial mask Akindra designs from Ghana
Junior Infants
Akindra cloth designs from Ghana Junior infants looked at some writing from Pakistan Showing us how writing is done
This is what boys wear in Pakistan Z.A.'s grandmother made these beautiful clothes U.T. and her daughter show Junior infants some colourful clothes from Pakistan
Beautiful bracelets from Pakistan Junior infants listen to stories about life in Ghana M.D.'s mum visited junior infants to tell them about Ghana
Senior Infants' Fun
Christy Murray plays the bagpipes for Senior Infants and 1st class...  ..who listen from the shelter in the playground !  enjoying the Scottish fun!
all smiles the pied piper! N.McH. wields the rolling pin in a senior infants session of Masterchef !
C.P. brings matters to a head ! C.A. looks pleased with his shortbread lots of tasty Scottish shortbread here
C.H. is ready to roll ! L.McC. is doing well Going Dutch
Flower beds of Holland - groups achieve this lovely effect using crayons and collage M.deC. representing Holland
 Inspired by Vincent Van Gogh's 'Irises'
1st class's Fun
We studied and copied Adire designs using 'wax resist' with crayons and paint.  Adire cloth is made by the Yoruba people of Nigeria. They produce this using cassava flour and indigo dye with stencils or hand printing.  B.J. B.'s parents visited our classroom and told us lots about Nigeria
2nd class's fun
We celebrated Pakistan Z.A.'s lovely Pakistani clothes S.A.'s cool kameez !
intricate and beautiful mehndi hand designs - seen in both Sudan and Pakistan a feast of Pakistani food ! We enjoyed poppodums, Peshwari and garlic naan bread and dahl. We also made lassi, a refreshing yoghurt drink, and tasted halva, a sesame seed treat.  Busy, busy, busy printing and drawing designs on cloth bags.
A.McK. helps T.N. and S.D. printing the bags.  S.J.D., R.G. and M.K. along with the two great helpers Lisa and Mary. G.P. lends a hand to R.McC. and her daughter E.P.
  lots of colour and imagination printing these bags !
A lovely Islamic prayer mat showed to us by Z.A.  Galal inspires us as we work on our Sudanese rhythms.  D.L. and our drum orchestra !
a more polished performance at the L.Y.I.T. with the drums gaily painted and decorated. !  Miss Meegan and Galal work out a rhythm Miss Cooke, K.E. and his mum who brought in a feast of savoury and fruity treats!
3rd class's fun
Israeli hat hat from merrie old England colourful stars of David
 Sightseeing in Israel

we enjoyed a presentation
on Israel with our visitor
Mr. Khavia
The sights of England 
4th Class' Fun
Mrs. McElhinney tells us all about Canada and shows us how to bake Canadian bread Mrs. Blake came to tell us all about France We enjoyed making native American Indian dream catchers
5th Class' Fun
J.E., A.B. and N.L. celebrating Irish home-grown culture, dancing the 'Walls of Limerick', taught by Ms. Alexander We learned all about the incredible
markings on Aboriginal shields and
beautiful Finland vivid Australian art in front of the World map M.McI. surrounded by Australian
wildlife !
views of Finland sampling lovely Finnish food R.G. and S.L. enjoying apple pie, rye bread and liquorice
Sixth Class' Fun
colourful Zimbabwean tribal masks
Russian firebirds  
    Mrs. B. told us all about Russia